During a series of thought leadership events hosted by Adecco over the past year, Chairs, CEOs, and HR
Directors discussed diversity and inclusion, the lack of diverse representation at senior levels within the
housing sector, and their commitment to change. These discussions encouraged us to undertake further
Our research revealed that over 80% of senior leaders of colour had not yet achieved their desired career
level, and only 17% of senior leaders have worked in an organisation where they had a role model with a
similar identity or background to them.
Our goal as recruiters is to champion diversity and inclusion across the sector and we recognise our unique
position in facilitating change.
In this new report you will discover:
- Factors that have enabled senior leaders of colour to navigate their career progression
- Challenges and barriers they faced during their journey
- Strategies employed by senior leaders to secure leadership positions
- Role line managers and organisations have played in supporting the career progression of those
The strength and relevancy of a workforce are intrinsically linked to the people who are part of it –
and diversity brings new ideas and mindsets which, in turn, opens dialogue, push creativity, and ultimately
creates high-performing teams and organisations.